Welcome!Smart Coast California (SCCa) is honored to welcome you to our 2nd Annual One California, One Coast Policy Summit. We hope you enjoy this opportunity to learn from and collaborate with planners, government officials, and coastal stakeholders throughout California. The SCCa Board of Directors sends our heartfelt appreciation to our sponsors, speakers, and attendees for making this program possible.
Addressing Sea Level Rise StatewideThe Ocean Protection Council Climate Change Program Manager will discuss pending updates to State SLR Technical Guidance as well as upcoming funding opportunities for local and regional SLR adaptation planning. CalCities Coastal Cities Group leadership will present their most recent findings and address ongoing efforts to coordinate policies at the local and State levels on issues related to sea level rise mitigation efforts and land use policies. This panel will consider the importance of Statewide consistency vs. the flexibility needed when addressing unique coastal conditions.
California Coastal Commission Senior StaffSenior Coastal Commission staff will be presenting on sea level rise adaptation planning in California, including: adaptation options, the Coastal Act, SLR adaptation and guidance. They will also discuss the Local Coastal Program grant program and the neighborhood-scale adaptation strategies.
Regional Solutions: Collaborative AdaptationTo effectively plan for sea level rise, regional collaboration is crucial along the entire coastline; from our prized California beaches at open-ocean locations, to natural bays and man-made harbors and our resource-rich coastal wetlands and estuaries. Joint Powers Authorities, Regional Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations are working to address sea level rise related issues by harnessing the expertise of academics, government officials, and private sector professionals to develop cutting-edge and collaborative solutions.
Smart Coast California ResourcesYou will be introduced to SCCa’s Municipal Collective and our soon to be released Coastal Planner Compendium; a comprehensive resource that delves into coastal adaptation policies, emerging trends, and worldwide implementation efforts. Our technical consultant will share with you our tools for tracking the progress of Local Coastal Plan Amendments and where other coastal cities and counties are in the process of obtaining certification.
Neighborhood Scale Coastal AdaptationCounty and City leaders will discuss the sea level rise adaptation measures they are considering including Living Shorelines and Breakwaters, Groins, and Beach Nourishment. Specific examples of these alternatives and how they were analyzed will be vetted.
The Economic Implications of Coastal AdaptationInvaluable Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Infrastructure investments are at risk from Sea Level rise, but the beautiful beaches generate Hundreds of Millions of dollars to the State and local economies as well. They also provide lower cost recreational opportunities to the diverse communities in the State, and relief from increasing heat waves. This panel will focus on quantifying and qualifying the value of our beaches beyond the subjective.
Charles Lester, Ph.D. Director, Ocean and Coastal Policy Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Babara |
Legal Implications & Regulatory TakingsPreeminent attorneys will consider the legal implications of coastal adaptation and management alternatives. If the permitting agency denies owners the right to protect their property, and property damage occurs, who is responsible? If a property owner impedes or impairs public beach access, what are the penalties or other implications? The legal panel will also address key issues affecting coastal cities and counties working on their Local Coastal Plan Amendments and the legislative intent of Sections 30235 and 30253 of the California Coastal Act.
Solutions that Work: How Community based Partnerships are addressing Coastal Resilience and Adaptation
Nature Based & Hybrid Adaptation Solutions
This session will address SLR adaptation measures and their potential for protecting California's coastline from the impacts of Sea Level Rise. Examples of successful adaptation projects will be highlighted, ongoing projects and monitoring results presented and opportunities for new projects in California discussed. Methods for funding and permitting of these cutting-edge solutions on the neighborhood level will be addressed.
Closing SpeakerLaura Engeman, Ph.D. Coastal Resilience Specialist Scripps Institution of Oceanography, CA Sea Grant |
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